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Modernize Your Old Fireplace with Fireplace Inserts

When you are tired of looking at the old fireplace in your home which you have boarded up to keep cold air out, you can convert it to a modern fireplace. You can use fireplace inserts which have blower motors and are a self-contained system. You can choose between gas and wood burning inserts to start enjoying you fireplace and provide heat for your home. Modern fireplaces available from New Energy Distributingare energy efficient and provide alternative heating for your home.

Fireplace Inserts Require a Chimney

Installing fireplace inserts will require the use of a chimney to vent smoke out of the house. You may be able to use your existing chimney in certain cases or be required to install a new stainless steel chimney inside the existing structure. Inserts provide an air tight solution which keeps the warm air in your home and prevents it from going up the chimney, like is common with traditional fireplaces.

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